polisi sekatan bahasa Inggris
- polisi: bobby; flatfoot; peace officer; police officer;
- sekatan: screen; bulkhead; quelling; trade stoppage;
- sekatan: screen; bulkhead; quelling; trade stoppage; constraint; impediment; confinement; check; deterrent; handicap; barricade; hindrance; limitation; embargo; divider; hinderance; baulk; sanction; partitio
- polisi: bobby; flatfoot; peace officer; police officer; policeman; policy; the minion of the law; police; cop; copper; policeman, policewoman; the law; guard; sheriff; insurance; policewoman; patrolman; fil
- sekatan (ketenteraan): blockade
- sekatan berlin: berlin blockade
- sekatan elektris: electrical insulation
- sekatan kalori: calorie restriction
- sekatan perdagangan: restraint of trade
- sekatan pergerakan: lockdown
- metode sekatan lee: lee partitioning method
- sekatan genting gaza: blockade of the gaza strip
- sekatan jalan raya: roadblock
- sekatan terhadap iraq: sanctions against iraq
- sekatan wikipedia di turki: block of wikipedia in turkey